Queries that have longest execution time in aggregate
Queries that have longest execution time in aggregate
Query | Exec time | Prop exec time | Calls | Sync io time |
COPY public.particle_concentrations ("timestamp", mass_1p0_ugm3, mass_2p5_ugm3, mass_4p0_ugm3, mass_10p0_ugm3, num_0p5_ncm3, num_1p0_ncm3, num_2p5_ncm3, num_4p0_ncm3, num_10p0_ncm3, size_um) TO stdout | 22.836116 seconds | 7.5 | 6 | 0 seconds |
LOCK TABLE "schema_migrations" IN SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE MODE | 21.255086 seconds | 7.0 | 46825 | 0 seconds |
COPY public.solar_observations ("timestamp", temperature_c, humidity_pct, charge_pct, lighting_lm, battery_voltage_mv, photo_light_mv, sensor_id) TO stdout | 20.836349 seconds | 6.8 | 6 | 0 seconds |
COPY public.power_monitorings ("timestamp", voltage_v, current_a, power_w, energy_kwh, frequency_hz, power_factor) TO stdout | 16.672686 seconds | 5.5 | 6 | 0 seconds |
INSERT INTO "solar_observations" ("battery_voltage_mv","charge_pct","humidity_pct","lighting_lm","photo_light_mv","sensor_id","temperature_c","timestamp") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) | 13.000592 seconds | 4.3 | 8502 | 0 seconds |
select installed_version from pg_available_extensions where name=$1 | 10.149412 seconds | 3.3 | 4800 | 0 seconds |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "schema_migrations" ("version" bigint, "inserted_at" timestamp(0), PRIMARY KEY ("version")) | 9.590025 seconds | 3.1 | 46825 | 0 seconds |
INSERT INTO "power_monitorings" ("current_a","energy_kwh","frequency_hz","power_factor","power_w","timestamp","voltage_v") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) | 8.534412 seconds | 2.8 | 8502 | 0 seconds |
INSERT INTO "particle_concentrations" ("mass_10p0_ugm3","mass_1p0_ugm3","mass_2p5_ugm3","mass_4p0_ugm3","num_0p5_ncm3","num_10p0_ncm3","num_1p0_ncm3","num_2p5_ncm3","num_4p0_ncm3","size_um","timestamp") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11) | 8.400182 seconds | 2.8 | 8502 | 0 seconds |
COPY public.who_covid (date_reported, country_code, country, who_region, new_cases, cumulative_cases, new_deaths, cumulative_deaths) TO stdout | 6.107341 seconds | 2.0 | 6 | 0 seconds |